In Memory

On Saturday my uncle passed away. Today would have been his 55th birthday. This weekend reminded me of just how many great memories I have with him and his family. As tribute, here are a few: At dinner Uncle Joe always made jokes (he made jokes all times of the day, but the ones I […]

The Canadian’s Knife. Episode 3

Mr. Canada and I have taken the “middle-aged” plunge and started doing weekly date night. We tested it out for a couple of weeks, but it seemed like the pretty standard, go-out-to-eat (at the same 3 restaurants like always), talk-about-your-day-at-work boring, grown-up kind of date night. And while there isn’t anything wrong with the standard […]

The Canadian’s Knife. Episode 2

Mr. Canada and I have finally taken the “middle-aged” plunge and started doing weekly date night. We tested it out for a couple of weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays. Seemed like the pretty standard, go-out-to-eat (at the same 3 restaurants like always), talk-about-your-day-at-work boring, grown-up kind of date night. And while there isn’t […]

The Canadian’s Knife. Episode 1

Now that Mr. Canada is bi-vocational, and I have various jobs, along with all of the other things we do on the side, we finally decided that we should break down and have a dedicated “date night.” So we tested it out for a couple of weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays. Seemed like […]

Dear Birthparent

Mr. Canada and I are currently in the process of adoption. It has certainly been long, and at times, tedious. But it will be so worth it in the end. What many people don’t know about infant adoption is this: birth parents who go through an agency to make an adoption plan before the birth […]