The Canadian’s Knife. Episode 3

Mr. Canada and I have taken the “middle-aged” plunge and started doing weekly date night. We tested it out for a couple of weeks, but it seemed like the pretty standard, go-out-to-eat (at the same 3 restaurants like always), talk-about-your-day-at-work boring, grown-up kind of date night. And while there isn’t anything wrong with the standard dinner-and-movie date night, that just isn’t us.

Enter: The Canadian’s Knife

We’ve decided it would be way more fun to use date night as a way to try all of the restaurants, breweries, and activities we have wanted to try in our area. I decided we should document.

On this episode of the Canadian’s Wife we ate at Gatsby’s Seafood and Steakhouse.

Mr. Canada and his “I’m a fancy mob boss” face.

Gatsby’s is a really fun roaring 20’s themed restaurant, complete with classic memorabilia all over the walls. Apparently they even do vegan specials on Wednesdays. Although we didn’t go on a Wednesday, we did see that they have a vegan menu you can order from on any day.

All-you-can-eat cod was the special of the day. Mr. Canada and I both had that. He chose regular fries and I chose sweet potato fries. Our meal also came with coleslaw as the appetizer. Honestly, I usually think coleslaw is weird, but this coleslaw was GREAT.

Plus, our waitress made a bomb dot com long island. Just sayin’.

Mr. Canada and I give this episode of The Canadian’s Knife three and a half maple syrups out of five

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